Progress Blue Bar Offer
Less Roll. More Control.
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Welcome to the new website!

December 19, 2008

We hope that you will enjoy the new and improved website.  This site has much better search functions and it is a lot easier for us to make important updates without having to constantly go back to the developer.  That means you can find the parts that you need quicker and be better informed about what's going at The Progress Group, Inc.  

Right now all of the Progress Technology parts, prices, and item weights are loaded into the system but it will take a bit more work to get all of the descriptions and pictures loaded into the part numbers.  Feel free to continue to place orders as usual while we work through getting these part numbers updated.  As usual, we don't charge the credit cards until the order ships and we will let you know if there is a backorder issue on parts as soon as possible.  

In the future we hope to offer competitive prices on Bilstein and Tokico products to complement out sport spring line.  We can also get you the best prices on DJM truck lowering parts and SPC alignment kits for just about anything.  It's going to be a while before all of those parts get loaded into the system so in the meantime you can contact us at with any specific questions. 

If you do find any issues with the new site please contact us at right away and we will work to get those issues worked out immediately.  Enjoy!